(033) 333 1447 | (033) 503 2337  •  biospectramktg@gmail.com


Biospectra Marketing was conceived mid 1997, with the goal of filling up the diagnostics supplies and consumables market of Iloilo City. We were initially entrusted with the Merck Microbiology products on a very limited area of operation. After a year, our product portfolio improved with the addition of the Merck Cell Diagnostics (Stains) line. After several years of experience and market presence, we are now operating in the entire area of the Philippines’ Region 6 area with the cities of Iloilo, Bacolod and Roxas, and the provinces of Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan, Antique, Guimaras and Negros Occidental. We are now handling several big brand products such as Merck, BioSystems, Bio-Rad, Advanced Quality, Aria, Abbott, Hirschmann, Citotest, Scharlau, Dlab, Insight, Behnk Elektronik and more, under the exclusive  and authorized dealership contracts with several large country representatives and importers in the Philippines. Our product line now covers the entire laboratory departments and various branches of the diagnostics medicine such as Biochemistry, Histopathology, Microbiology, Microscopy, Parasitology, Serology, Hematology and Immunology.

And with the situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, we had also ventured into the market of Infection Control & Prevention such several products within the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) line, Signify/Philips UVC Lighting, disinfectants, respirators and air purifiers.

We are also the exclusive area distributor of Polymem & Nursicare multifunctional Polymeric membrane wound dressings by Ferris Manufacturing Corp which are intended to be used for hard to heal wounds, giving relief & hope to the patients.



Biospectra Marketing use modern technology in doing its operation of distributing innovative & quality medical & diagnostics products with utmost passion, professionalism, ethics and standard. It also educate the next generations in how to use & appreciate the science behind the products, with the ultimate goal of bringing the most benefit to public health & well-being. It embodies the teachings of Jesus Christ in all its activities, giving back the glory & honor to our Lord Almighty.


Biospectra Marketing aims to be a strong influence in the laboratory diagnostics, wound healing & infection control market in the Philippines. It will introduce new & innovative products that will improve the healthcare industry. The business will also invest in the nation’s wholistic well-being which will result in a productive, progressive & healthy Filipino nation.