(033) 333 1447 | (033) 503 2337  •  biospectramktg@gmail.com


SCHARLAU Mueller Hinton Agar


Adjust suspensions of microorganisms to be tested to a density equivalent to a 0.5 MacFarland standard. Inoculate the plates with a soaked swab by spreading each inoculum onto the surface evenly in three directions according to the Kirby-Bauer methodology.

  • After having allowed the agar surface to dry for 10 to 15 minutes, apply the antibiotic disks or the E-test strips to the surface.
  • Incubate the plates right side up at time and temperature according to the microorganism tested. •Read plates after the incubation period only if sufficient growth is seen and the inhibition zones or ellipses are clearly visible.
  • Read the MIC where the ellipse or zone intersects the scale or the diameter of the standardized inhibition zones.
  • Each laboratory must evaluate the results according to their specifications, isolates tested, antibiotics applied and CLSI interpretative guidelines or technical E-Test manual.