(033) 333 1447 | (033) 503 2337  •  biospectramktg@gmail.com



This Cytocolor™ quick staining kit contains modified hematoxylin and polychromatic solutions. Consequently, a cytological sample can be stained in about 3 minutes. First, the cell nuclei are stained with a hematoxylin solution. The polychromatic solution EA 31 contained in the kit is a so-called polychromatic mixture of eosin, light green SF, and vesuvian (Bismarck brown) and serves to enhance the staining reaction in the cytoplasm. Due to their different molecular weights, in relation to the different pore sizes of the cell membrane eosin and light green SF enable a differentiated staining of the structure in the various cycle stages of the cells.
The package is sufficient for up to 1000 applications.

Cytocolor™ Cytological standard stain acc. Szczepanik - for microscopy kit is a ready-to-use staining kit used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the purpose of the cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example in human gynecological and clinico-cytological specimen materials, e. g. cervical smears. Cytocolor™ is a quick staining kit based on the standard staining method according to Szczepanik for use in the analysis of cytology specimens. The cytological standard staining acc. to Szczepanik is intended for the staining of exfoliative cells in cytological specimens.