(033) 333 1447 | (033) 503 2337  •  biospectramktg@gmail.com



• Valuable information can be obtained before
hospital admission to help control the spread
of RSV infections
• Results available in just 15 minutes
• Requires limited hands-on time
• Provides highly accurate results and includes
built-in controls
• Can be used with either nasal wash or naso
pharyngeal swab samples
• Parents can be given critical care instructions
before leaving the pediatrician’s office

• Valuable information can be obtained before
hospital admission to help control the spread
of RSV infections
• Results available in just 15 minutes
• Requires limited hands-on time
• Provides highly accurate results and includes
built-in controls
• Can be used with either nasal wash or naso
pharyngeal swab samples
• Parents can be given critical care instructions
before leaving the pediatrician’s office